( The Disenfectant Spray ) Inspiration + Source Material + item description

The Disenfectant Spray

This Disinfected Spray was invened by an unknown company when the lockdown started. It was listed on the  shop app and it said it could kill 100% of germs. people were actually using that spray to kill people. it look like some light was bursting out of it and if you kept spraying the person they would explode. When you look at the ingredients it looks like an electral element/chemical was put inside. People started putting different chemicals and elements to make the spray shoot out different things such as: mist, lava, ice, fire, posion, metal, gold and more. the spray bottle itself was so technoligcally advanced the fact that it could take in anything and turn it into liquid  that can kill people and its efficent too so it will last quite a while. nobody knew who the creators were or what happened to them after the events of the first game but now theres only a limited supply of these sprays. its rare to find this spray or someone else with this spray so if you want to survive in this post lockdown world having this spray will be very helpful and make your life alot easier. 

inspiration + source material:

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